Editorial Complaints Policy

At CBD by Hush, we are committed to maintaining the highest editorial standards and providing accurate, reliable, and transparent content related to CBD, wellness, and lifestyle. We value the feedback of our readers and take complaints seriously. This Editorial Complaints Policy outlines our procedures for addressing and resolving editorial complaints.

How to Raise a Complaint

If you believe that we have violated our editorial standards or published inaccurate information, please follow these steps to raise a complaint:

Contact Us

  • Email us at [email protected] with “Editorial Complaint” in the subject line.
  • Provide a clear and concise description of the issue, including the specific content in question.

Include Supporting Information

  • Attach any relevant evidence, such as screenshots, links, or references that support your complaint.
  • Clearly indicate the section of the content that is the subject of the complaint.

Provide Contact Information

  • Include your name, email address, and any additional contact information to facilitate communication regarding your complaint.

Investigation Process

Upon receiving a complaint, our editorial team will conduct a thorough investigation. The process includes:


  • We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within [X] working days.


  • Our editorial team will review the content in question, considering the provided evidence and relevant context.


  • If the complaint is upheld, we will take appropriate corrective action, which may include corrections, clarifications, or content removal.


  • We will communicate the resolution of the complaint to you, providing an explanation of the actions taken.


We aim to acknowledge complaints within [X] working days and provide a resolution within [X] working days thereafter. However, the complexity of some complaints may require additional time for a thorough investigation.


If you are dissatisfied with the resolution of your complaint, you have the right to appeal. Please respond to the resolution email, clearly stating the grounds for your appeal. Your appeal will be reviewed by a senior member of our editorial team.

Contact Information

For editorial complaints or appeals, please contact us at:

CBD by Hush Editorial Complaints [email protected]

CBD by Hush [Street Address] [City, Postal Code] [Country]

We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and accuracy in our content. Your feedback is crucial to helping us achieve this goal. Thank you for your trust and collaboration in making CBD by Hush a reliable source for information and insights.

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